The Lower_Case (Leisure) of different models are presented at affordable Cut prices ( ([Special]) [Special] from [Min_price] ⋂ from 0)

The Lower_Case (Leisure) of different models are presented at affordable Cut prices (<if> ([Special]) [Special] <ELSE> from [Min_price] </ Endif> ⋂ from 0)

Aktivnyy otdykh na prirode

Schitayetsya odnim iz luchshikh variantov dlya poleznogo i interesnogo vykhodnogo dnya. Eto vozmozhnost' zabyt' o povsednevnykh problemakh, poluchit' novyye yarkiye vpechatleniya, zavesti druzey i poluchit' nemaluyu pol'zu dlya zdorov'ya. Aktivnyy otdykh vdali ot goroda pomogayet s novoy siloy radovat'sya zhizni, a zaodno pomogayet perezhit' radost' novykh pobed i otkrytiy.

Varianty aktivnogo otdykha:

  1. Aktivnyy otdykh – eto prezhde vsego dvigatel'naya nagruzka. Sovremennyy chelovek provodit bol'shuyu chast' vremeni nepodvizhno, chto negativno skazyvayetsya na zdorov'ye. U vas yest' vozmozhnost' podarit' svoyemu telu radost' dvizheniya s pomoshch'yu odnogo iz populyarnykh vidov otdykha: Kataniye na kayakakh – podkhodyashchiy variant dlya lyubiteley ekstremal'nogo otdykha. Vse neobkhodimoye snaryazheniye eko-otel' «Lepota» predostavlyayet v arendu.
  2. Kataniye na lodkakh – vy otlichno provedete vremya, naslazhdayas' krasotoy okruzhayushchey prirody. Otlichnyy variant kak dlya romanticheskogo svidaniya vdvoyem, tak i dlya semeynoy progulki. Vy mozhete naslazhdat'sya prekrasnymi peyzazhami, lovit' ryby i prosto otdykhat' ot gorodskoy suyety.
  3. Velosipednyye progulki – otlichnoye fizicheskoye uprazhneniye i vozmozhnost' pobyvat' v novykh mestakh daleko ot shumnogo megapolisa. Katat'sya interesno kak v odinochku, tak i s kem-to, velosiped znachitel'no uvelichivayet mobil'nost' i pomogayet rasshirit' gorizonty.
  4. Okhota i rybalka – klassicheskiye muzhskiye razvlecheniya, pomogayushchiye pochuvstvovat' sebya dobytchikom. Eto ne tol'ko prebyvaniye na svezhem vozdukhe, no i osvoyeniye tselogo ryada poleznykh navykov vyzhivaniya v dikoy prirode.
  5. Peshiy turizm. Pokhodnaya romantika znakoma ochen' mnogim: eto sposob poznakomit'sya s interesnymi lyud'mi, proverit' svoi sily i uvidet' mesta udivitel'noy krasoty.
  6. Aktivnyy zimniy otdykh – osobaya raznovidnost' poleznogo i priyatnogo vremyapreprovozhdeniya. Gornyye lyzhi, kataniye na kon'kakh, lyzhnyye progulki po lesu – vse eto podarit radost' i yarkiye vpechatleniya, osobenno yesli vybrat' khoroshuyu kompaniyu dlya razvlecheniy.

Postoyannaya dvigatel'naya aktivnost' prodlevayet molodost' i pozvolyayet zabyt' o mnogikh boleznyakh, darit otlichnoye samochuvstviye i podnimayet nastroyeniye. Aktivno otdykhat' mozhno v lyubom vozraste: mnogiye vidy sporta podkhodyat i dlya detey, i dlya pozhilykh lyudey. Fizicheskiye nagruzki dayut razryadku organizmu, pozvolyaya vyplesnut' skopivshiyesya negativnyye emotsii – dlya gorodskogo cheloveka eto otlichnaya vozmozhnost' zabyt' o povsednevnykh problemakh.

Ещё 2525 / 5000 Результаты перевода

Outdoor activities

It is considered one of the best options for a healthy and interesting weekend. This is an opportunity to forget about everyday problems, get new vivid impressions, make friends and get considerable health benefits. Active rest away from the city helps to enjoy life with renewed vigor, and at the same time helps to experience the joy of new victories and discoveries.

Outdoor activities:

  1. Active rest is primarily a physical load. A modern person spends most of the time motionless, which negatively affects health. You have the opportunity to give your body the joy of movement with the help of one of the popular leisure activities: Kayaking is a suitable option for lovers of extreme recreation. Eco-hotel Lepota provides all the necessary equipment for rent.
  2. Boating - you will have a great time enjoying the beauty of the surrounding nature. A great option for both a romantic date for two and a family walk. You can enjoy beautiful landscapes, fish and just relax from the bustle of the city.
  3. Cycling is an excellent physical exercise and an opportunity to visit new places far from the noisy metropolis. Riding is fun both alone and with someone, a bicycle significantly increases mobility and helps to expand horizons.
  4. Hunting and fishing - classic men's entertainment that makes you feel like a breadwinner. It is not only about being in the fresh air, but also mastering a range of useful wildlife survival skills.
  5. Hiking . Hiking romance is familiar to many people: it is a way to meet interesting people, test your strength and see places of amazing beauty.
  6. Active winter rest is a special kind of a useful and pleasant pastime. Alpine skiing, ice skating, skiing in the forest - all this will give you joy and vivid impressions, especially if you choose a good company for entertainment.

Constant physical activity prolongs youth and allows you to forget about many diseases, gives you excellent health and cheers up. You can have an active rest at any age: many sports are suitable for both children and the elderly. Physical activity relaxes the body, allowing to throw out accumulated negative emotions - for a city person it is a great opportunity to forget about everyday problems.

AVI outdoor Sommer tent
Product Code: 00142900001
Expander tape ring GO DO 145-45 load 54 kg
Product Code: Z0000018772
Folding canister "Pathfinder", LDPE material, 10 l
Product Code: Z0000010037
 Pepper spray 75 ml "Epee". Inkjet, range 300 cm
Product Code: Z0000007574
Self-expanding hose for irrigation with a spray nozzle; 5 - 15 meters (color green or blue)
Product Code: 00080500031
Tent pegs set 10 pcs, steel 5 mm, length 19 cm
Product Code: Z0000018607
Fiery "Pathfinder", small.
Product Code: Z0000010222
Карты игральные "Следопыт", влагостойкие, пластик, 54 шт.
Product Code: Z0000002335
Cooling bag ICE PACK 400 ml
Product Code: Z0000017200
Rubber nipple tube GREEN length 40 cm, diameter 3 mm
Product Code: Z0000018664
Rubber nipple tube BLUE length 40 cm, diameter 3 mm
Product Code: Z0000018662
Showing 1 to 11 of 11 (1 Pages)

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 Pepper spray 75 ml "Epee". Inkjet, range 300 cm
Rubber nipple tube BLUE length 40 cm, diameter 3 mm